Keep Duluth Clean is excited to be a part of the 27th Annual Harvest Festival, hosted by the Lake Superior Chapter of the Sustainable Farming Association (SFA). It will be located at Duluth’s beautiful Bayfront Park, on Saturday, September 11th! It is a FREE, family-oriented event featuring local food, live music, handmade crafts, educational demonstrations, a renewable energy fair, and more!
The Harvest Festival boasts zero waste over the last 27 years in operation. From vendors using all compostable paper products to recycling all other items used at the event by vendors and guests!
You, KDC, and other volunteers will be assisting the SFA staff as Waste Stream Sorters by sorting trash from the day’s events to ensure the end goal of zero waste!
We Need Your Help!
30 Volunteer Waste Stream Sorters
2 Hours Minimum (3 time slots/10 individuals in each time slot: 10 - 12 pm; 12 pm - 2 pm; 2 - 4 pm)
Be a part of the solution as a Waste Stream Sorter! RSVP here today!
To learn more about the Sustainable Farming Association and the 27th Annual Harvest Festival visit their website at