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Spring Cleanup

Keep Duluth Clean invites everyone in the city, as you are safely able to do so, to join us outside your home or wherever you are on Saturday, April 10 for our Spring Keep Duluth Cleanup.

Imagine if everyone in the city stepped outside on the same day, with a shared goal to take care of our shared streets and public spaces. We can already see it.  A community of people, with shopping bags or buckets and gloves, ready to keep Duluth clean from litter!  


Saturday, April 10, 2021


In front of your house, in the alleyway behind your house, the nearby park … wherever you are!

 How to participate

  1. Sign up to participate HERE.

  2. Grab a five-gallon bucket or old grocery bag to reuse (or another bag available to you).

  3. Put on your gloves or grab your litter grabber

  4. Pick up whatever litter you see for at least 30 minutes

  5. Get picky! Look for little pieces of plastic and cigarette butts.

  6. Wave to your neighbors!

  7. Take pictures of your amazing work.

  8. Dispose of the collected waste in your personal trash containers.

  9. Wash your hands!

  10. Share your impact by tagging @KeepDuluthClean and #KeepDuluthClean online.  

Staying Safe

In addition to wearing gloves and practicing social distancing, all participants are asked to follow these safety guidelines during their clean-up efforts:

  1. When on or near a roadway, whenever possible face the on-coming traffic. Do not cross in front of traffic. Stay alert.

  2. Avoid movements that will distract passing drivers or other volunteers.

  3. Do not wear headsets which could prevent you from hearing others or distracting you from other hazards.

  4. Look all around you! Most trash gets blown around and ends up in rock and crevices or under trees and shrubs. 

  5. Do not attempt to retrieve items that may risk injury.

  6. Don’t over exert yourself. 

  7. Do not empty liquid out of closed bottles. Throw away bottles with liquid inside.

  8. If you find hypodermic needles, please bring a plastic bottle to the needle, then place it in the bottle and seal. Keep this separate from your trash. If you need us to pick up a needle or if you are not comfortable picking up hypodermic needles, please call the Needle Hotline at 218-730-4001.

  9. Don’t pick up any of the following items. You can report items and location in the Keep Duluth Clean Litter Report.

  1. Medical waste

  2. Hazardous wastes including motor oil, gasoline, batteries

  3. Chemical containers or plastic bottles that smell or appear to contain noxious materials

  4. Dead animals

  5. Sharp items (broken glass may be swept up with a broom/pan or picked up with a litter grabber)

  6. Unusual, unidentifiable items

  7. Appliances, televisions, furniture, or other large items that cannot be bagged

Share Your Impact

  1. Post pictures online of how many bags you clean up and tag @KeepDuluthClean + #KeepDuluthClean.

  2. Be entered for prizes and join the Keep Duluth Clean movement by visiting to sign-up! Let us know if you’d like to be kept up-to-date on all Keep Duluth Clean opportunities!

  3. Share your impact and report your volunteer hours through the Keep Duluth Clean Litter Report.

April 24

Eco3 Lincoln Park Spring Cleanup