Let’s #KeepDuluthClean Together.
Grassroots initiatives like this depend on regular people offering up their time and energy. Even an hour of your time can make a huge difference.
Cleanup events are a great opportunity to enjoy the outdoors with your family, classmates or co-workers while also helping your local community.
Ready to pitch in and #KeepDuluthClean? This is as simple as picking up any trash you might come across when heading to the store, school or work. Be the outstanding citizen and grab that neglected bottle or straw. Our individual efforts will collectively make an impact and also sets an example for others. While our group actions will circle around the month of May, we hope that individuals will do the right thing year round and pick up stray trash they encounter in their everyday activities.
Please also join us for a group cleanup or awareness event! Our resource page is also a great place to learn more about how we can mitigate our waste culture.
Show your community support by getting your organization involved in a company cleanup or have your company support a cleaner Duluth by becoming a sponsor.
Students and educators show your school pride with a campus clean up. This is a great opportunity to empower our youngest citizens and show them that even small efforts can make a big difference and bring families together to make a positive impact in our community.
Learning about our impact the environment is a lifelong journey.
If you see illegal dumping, please consider reporting to the authorities or submitting a complaint to the City of Duluth.
Want to host a cleanup in your neighborhood? You can go as big or small as you like. We can provide support with equipment, volunteer organizing or other event requirements.